You Don't HAVE To Do Anything
The other day I was walking down the street I saw this young boy, his older brother, and his mom walking towards me. He pointed right at me and started jumping up and down. He was so excited to see me! I thought in my head, “What is going on? Who was this kid?” So I waved and said hi. Then they walked right by me.
I felt ridiculous.
You know the feeling when you think someone waved to you, but they really were saying hi to the person behind you? Yeah… I had that feeling.
I looked behind me and found out what he was really pointing at. It was a big yellow school bus. He wasn’t excited to see me, he was excited for school.
Here’s what I think happened… With it being the end of the school year, this was Shadow Day. The day you go to the big boy school and shadow someone. This was the little kid’s day to shadow his brother, and he was AMPED.
A little while later, I’m at my next school, working with another team, and as I walked through the halls, I creeped in on one of the lecture halls. When I peeked in, I noticed something missing. I noticed something that I knew I had just seen not 24 hours before.
Have To vs Get To
That little boy was so excited because he finally gets to go to school. Many of those students acted like they HAVE to go to school. That little boy was jumping around because he GETS to go to school. The energy, focus, and attention comes from the GETTING. Having to do something is forced, and when it’s forced, the proper energy isn’t going to flow. It’s like trying to pump more water through a kinked hose.
For example, college students get to go to a party but they have to go to a lecture. They get to watch baseball on tv but the have to go to baseball practice. They get to go to the concert but that have to go to rehearsal.
What do you GET to do today?
You GET to choose you know. You don’t HAVE to do anything.
Through mindset and strategy APPLICATION, this mini series will not only help reduce stress, but you will sleep better, reduce anxiety, and increase focus. We’re all seeking fulfillment in life, and it starts with being just a little more mindful.
5 minutes a day for 5 days. 25 minutes that might just save your life.