386. The Power of In-Game Routines for Peak Performance

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In this article we’re diving deep into something every champ swears by… IN-GAME ROUTINES. Those rituals and habits that might sound like superstition but are actually the secret sauce to peak performance.

You see, when we talk about executing the mental game, it’s one thing to talk about focus, confidence, and all that good stuff, but it’s a whole different ball game when you can walk the walk. That’s where in-game routines step in, and trust me, they’re a game-changer.

The Inside Scoop on In-Game Routines

Let’s break it down. In-game routines are not just fluffy concepts in sport psychology; they’re like the Jedi mind tricks of high-stakes situations. Whether you’re an athlete, a big shot executive, or a student facing exams, these routines can totally make or break your performance.

The Science of In-Game Routines

Incorporating in-game routines into your performance isn’t just a matter of anecdotal evidence; there’s substantial scientific support for their effectiveness. Researchers in sport psychology have studied the neurological and psychological mechanisms behind these routines, shedding light on why they work.

  1. Neurological impact: In-game routines have a measurable impact on brain function. Regular, structured routines can trigger the release of dopamine and endorphins, the brain’s feel-good chemicals. This not only enhances mood but also increases focus and resilience to stress.

  2. Emotional Regulation: The brain’s amygdala, responsible for processing emotions, can be influenced by in-game routines. Deep breathing, a common element of these routines, activates the parasympathetic nervous system, reducing the amydala’s reactivity to emotional triggers. This means you’re less likely to succumb to anxiety or anger during a high-pressure moment.

  3. Cognitive Enhancement: The act of following an in-game routine creates a sense of structure and control. This structured approach is linked to improved congintive functioning, allowing you to make better decisions under pressure.

  4. Flow State Induction: As mentioned earlier, routines can lead to the coveted “flow state.” When you enter this state, your brain is fully immersed in the task at hand. This results in heaightened performance, increased creativity, and a distorted sense of time - making it ideal for athletes and professionals.

Anatomy of a Killer Routine

Alright, let’s talk shop about what a rock-solid in-game routine looks like. Here’s the breakdown:

  1. Physical Actions: These are your signature moves, the stuff you do before and during your game. For a baseball player, it could be how they step up to the plate or what they physically do before they throw the baseball. For a basketball player this could be the physical actions like they take before play is resumed on the court, like snapping their fingers, clapping their hands, or just simply taking a deep breath. These physical actions let your brain know, “Okay it’s time to focus.”

  2. Deep Breathing: Yep… it’s not just for yogis. Deep breaths are gold for managing anxiety. In your routine, where and when do you take your breath? Slow and steady wins the race here.

  3. Focal Point: Find your spot. Pick an object to lock your gaze on. This helps block out the noise and zero in on the task at hand. This spot is a reminder in your external environment to focus.

  4. Verbal Mojo: Use a short, snappy phrase or word to pump up your confidence. It’s like a mini pep talk. Something like, “next play,” or “stay cool” works wonders. For immature athletes, this might sound corny, but it works if you work it. This is what the best in the world do to help them stay locked in or refocus back onto the moment.

  5. TIF Magic: End your routine with a thought that’s all about your game, an image in your head like a mental snapshot of what you need to do to execute, or a feeling that you want to have like powerful legs, a strong core, or a loose upper body. What is your TIF? Your final thought, image, and feeling?

Routine’s Role in Confidence and Consistency

So, here’s the deal - routines bring predictability, comfort, and consistency to the game. Your brain loves that stuff.

Predictability means your brain knows the drill. The calm, familiar routine is like a cozy blanket for your mind. Comfort breeds confidence, and confidence in your best friend when the pressure is on.

Consistency? That’s the magic sauce. When you stick to your routine, play after play, your brain goes into automatic mode. It’s where you’re in the groove, fully focused, and on top of your game.

Routines aren’t just about rituals; they’re like your mental checklist. They remind you that you’ve done the work, sweated the reps, and put in the hours. When you go through your routine, it’s a reminder that you’re ready to rock.

And, they keep you chill and relaxed, no matter what’s going down. They help you tap into your ideal performance state, where you’re mentally and physically at your peak. With a well-practiced routine, you can face challenges with composure and resilience.

By understanding the psychology behind these routines, recognizing their neurological impact, and drawing inspiration from their application, you can harness their power to consistently perform at your best. Embrace your routines, personalize them, and adapt as needed - these are the keys to unlocking your peak performance potential.

If you want to take your routines to the next level, join the Mental Skills Mechanics and see how to do just that.

Learn how to build your own Routines by Joining The Mental Skills Mechanics

  • Take the guesswork out of confidence building. 11 video lessons to walk you through how to increase your confidence step-by-step, so you know exactly what to do.

  • Get the tools and strategies you need to take action. The course includes a PDFs and powerpoints, plus new examples and applications that you can’t find in The Mental Game Blog. 

  • Learn a framework that works for elite mental performance. You can use this course to build your mental game – from resilience, to embracing failure, to visualization and mental imagery. It’s all in there.


387. Lessons from Legends: The Power of Routine


385. Nurturing Resilience and Growth: Unveiling the Next Play Mindset in Your Athletic Journey