About The Mental Performance Membership
Every sport has mechanics for the physical game. Athletes and coaches invest tons of their own money to get better results. Yet, so few actually see a difference in their performance. Why? Because sports are much more than just physical skills. Mental skills make the difference between average and good, good and great, great and elite, and elite and legendary.
That is why I have set up The Mental Performance Membership, an online course combined with a fully interactive community to help you, a coach or athlete, improve performance and achieve the results you truly desire. With a membership to The Mental Skills Mechanics, you will receive instant access to a 15-part course mental skills course which will help you improve your overall understanding of the mental game and grasp the concepts that drive individual and team performance.
What You Will Gain From Your Membership
remain confident in even the most intense situations
What Is The Mental Skills Mechanics membership?
The Mental Skills Mechanics is an online, interactive community where you can receive 24/7/365 access to high level mental skills coaches and information to improve your performances. In addition to receiving unlimited access to coaching and exclusive content, you will also receive access to a 15-part mental game course that will help you understand the basics of the mental game and improve your performances.
Who is on the Mental Skills Mechanics staff?
Tyler Pazik is currently the lead mental skills coach, with plans on adding more coaches in the future.
Why should I join The Mental Skills Mechanics?
There are a number of reasons why you should join The Mental Skills Mechanics. If you take performance seriously and want to improve your game, no matter the sport, a Mental Skills Mechanic membership is for you. With 24/7/365 access to one of the top elite performance coaches in the world, your performance is sure to improve quicker than ever. In addition, The Mental Skills Mechanics is an awesome way to collaborate and build relationships with other athletes and coaches from around the world. The Mental Skills Mechanics' culture is a supportive one in which athletes and coaches can be free to ask their questions and root others on.
Is The Mental Skills Mechanics membership for all skill levels?
It sure is! Our community consists of athletes and coaches ranging from the beginner level all the way up to advanced! No matter whether you are just getting started or have aspirations of becoming a professional one day, The Mental Skills Mechanics can help you get there! Our community is a very positive group that helps other members along the way.
What different membership options does The Mental Skills Mechanics offer?
Currently, we offer two different membership options; a monthly membership, and an annual membership.
Where do I receive my coaching and interact with other members?
All of the coaching and interaction happens in our private The Mental Skills Mechanics Facebook group. Using a private Facebook group allows you to post videos of your game along with any questions you may have that you would like answered by the community. In addition, private 1-on-1 virtual sessions are available at an additional cost.
Is there a limit to the amount of posts I can make and coaching I can receive?
No! There is no limit to the number of videos or questions you post in the group. We do ask our members to keep the number of posts within reason, and remain patient as coaches work to respond to all of our members each and every day.
Besides coaching, what else do I receive with my membership?
In addition to receiving coaching from our coaches, our staff provides our members with events such as live streams, Q & A’s, seminars, behind the scenes videos, Podcast recordings, and much more!
I purchased my membership. Now what?
Once you have purchased your membership, you will receive a confirmation email (if you have not received an email within 30 minutes, please check your spam folder) with the link to request access into our private Facebook group. All you have to do is click the link, request access into the group, and then our staff will admit you so you can begin receiving coaching and exploring our community.
In addition, once you purchase your membership, you will be able to access the members-only page on this website where you will be able to find the 15-part mental skills course.
Do I unlock a video library with my membership?
You do not unlock a video library once you purchase a membership. You do unlock all of the live-streams featuring the coaching staff, experts in the industry, and other chats with the some of the biggest names in sports. The Mental Skills Mechanics Facebook group is where you can have a conversation with our coaches to dive deeper.
Why do I have to be over 18 years old to have a membership?
In an effort to protect our members and staff and remain compliant with Safesport guidelines, we require all members to be above the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, you must have a parent purchase your membership for you and interact in the Facebook group under your parent’s Facebook profile.
How do I manage my membership?
To change the type of membership you have, cancel your membership, or adjust anything in regards to your billing, log into your account and once on your profile, select the “Manage Subscriptions” button and you will be able to manage your membership.
I don’t have a Facebook profile. Can I still purchase a Backstage Bowling membership?
Anyone can purchase a Mental Skills Mechanics membership. However, in order to take advantage of the membership and receive coaching, you must be in the Facebook group. Creating a Facebook profile is quick and easy. Simply go to Facebook.com, select Create Account, fill out the necessary information, and you’ll be all set to go! For those that don’t want to be on Facebook, some members have signed up for Facebook and only use it for the membership group. Designing an app of our own with the many features Facebook provides would have made us have to charge more for the service.
I want to partner or become a sponsor with Backstage Bowling. What should I do?
Contact tyler@pazikperformancegroup with any business inquiries you may have.
Can I hire Tyler to do a camp/clinic?
Absolutely! Tyler is extremely experienced with camps and clinics and would be happy to organize one with you! Contact tyler@pazikperformancegroup.com to organize your next camp or clinic.
Have a question that isn’t on here?
E-mail us at tyler@pazikperformancegroup.com with any questions and we would be happy to help!