Welcome to the Ask More Tell Less SHORT LIST


As two professionals who have been around sports and coaches our entire lives, and coaches ourselves, we understand that the best coaches are constantly improving.

There are a bevy of online course, programs, and certifications out there to help you improve your coaching expertise in the strategy and skill acquisition behind the game…

But knowing how to coach and master your communication skills is a gigantic missing link in all relationships - and it’s something no one is teaching.

Dylan Edwards, who was in our inaugural cohort said, “I have a litany of certifications, and none of them are related to communication or how to connect with an athlete or person and meet them where they’re at and see it as constructive. These communication techniques allow you to put the certifications to work.”

And anytime there is a missing link like this, it means two things you can’t ignore:

  1. You’re minimizing your success in competition.

  2. You can separate yourself from everyone else.

This are reasons we’re excited you joined the Short List.

Our goal is to help you master the coach-athlete communication skills you need to excel in your domain.

With over 50 years of combined teaching and coaching, we’ve put together this course to help guide you to a more fulfilling way to lead others and help both of you get more of the results you want.

It’s called the Ask More Tell Less Coaches Course, and registration is opening for a limited time in October, 2021. 

The best part: Because you’re on the Short List, you’re going to save $100 when it opens. We appreciate those who boldly apply, and by signing up here, and in a world lacking people who take action, you’re already among the elite.

Keep an eye on your inbox because as we get closer, we’ll let you know about the launch date and instructions on how to join the next Ask More Tell Less cohort.

Stay curious,

Tyler and Greg